Support Falconshire Raptors

Every little bit helps!

A small bird sitting on top of a blanket.

Support Our Raptor Rescue Program

Birds of prey, such as eagles, hawks, and owls, play a crucial role in maintaining the balance of ecosystems by controlling populations of rodents and other small animals. However, these impressive birds often face threats such as habitat loss, pollution, and illegal hunting.

By donating and supporting advancing raptor conservation, education, rehabilitation, and research, you are helping to ensure the survival of these incredible creatures for future generations. Your contribution can help fund rescue and rehabilitation efforts for injured or orphaned raptors, as well as support educational programs that raise awareness about the importance of these birds in our environment.

In West Michigan, where raptors are a vital part of the local ecosystem, your support can make a real difference in providing the care and resources needed to protect and preserve these majestic birds. Your donation can help provide essential services such as medical treatment, rehabilitation, and release back into the wild for injured raptors, as well as fund research projects that contribute to our understanding of these species and their habitat requirements.

By supporting raptor conservation efforts in West Michigan, you are not only helping to protect these birds, but also contributing to the overall health and biodiversity of the local environment. Your donation can make a lasting impact on the future of raptors in the region and ensure that these impressive creatures continue to soar through our skies for generations to come.

Thank you for your support!