Our Eagle Nest Cam Story

It’s incredible how much collaboration, care, and respect for raptors have gone into establishing the eagle nest cam. The discovery of the eagle nest, thanks to the keen observation of a family member on private property, really underscores the crucial role that local communities and individuals play in wildlife conservation. The night camera installation was above and beyond the standards of the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service guidelines. This provided more safety for the eagles and ensures they are protected while allowing people to witness such an awe-inspiring natural process.

Having a live stream in the works will be a game-changer, not only for those already following the nest but also for raising awareness about these majestic raptors. Watching the adults care for their eaglets and observing the growth and development of the young over time will be a great opportunity for education and awareness of eagles, our national symbol. The winter months will offer a unique perspective on the eagles’ behavior, as they often remain in the area, hunting and caring for their young even in harsh conditions.

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